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The Couple
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Wedding Party
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The day prior I was at the hospital saying goodbye to my cousin Casey who passed away. I was a complete mess. Bill asked me what I wanted to do that night. He told me we could do anything I wanted. I said I would really like to get a margarita. He threw out the idea of going to the Mexican Restaurant. I thought that was perfect and said I would invite my sister Kari and her husband, Todd. Bill said that was a good idea. I was really upset about the loss of my cousin and just wanted to be with my family, so I decided to invite the rest of my sisters, my mom, my uncle, and my aunt as well. I have 4 sisters and when one of us is upset we usually all get together, so it seemed normal to just call them up. I needed my family, and I have a very large family. Bill had a prior commitment that he had to attend to for a short time, so I made a reservation for the group. Bill wasn't aware that the whole group was going, so he also wasn't aware that we had a reservation. Bill was a few minutes late, which is not normal for Bill. I was anxious to get out of the house and be around my family, so when he got home I was in a hurry to leave. I told him we were late for the reservation and he asked who was going. I told him some of the family was meeting there, but I wasn't specific. When we arrived, Bill saw that my children, Mom, sisters, aunt, and uncle were all there. Bill ordered and said he would be right back. I thought he had gone to the restroom. He was gone for a longer time than I had expected, but I thought maybe he had eaten something earlier that had him held up. Bill arrived back to the table around the same time as our meal. I usually do the prayer before the family eats at our gatherings, so I was just about to begin when Bill interrupted and said he would like to. Bill got down on his knee while holding a box with a ring in it, and asked for my hand in marriage. I couldn't stop crying! It was the perfect proposal!

*While I thought he was in the restroom he had actually gone home and got the ring. He knew that I would want my family present when he proposed, and with everyone in college and working it had been hard to get everyone together. I am so lucky to have found a man that makes me so happy!
